Monday, August 30, 2010


So, its official, I am crafting with fabric!  I have my own thing going now, and Etsy is going to help me with this obsession with flowers!   I am also helping my good friend with a fundraiser for her marathon and her team in training for Lymphoma and Leukemia.  I am attaching some photos of some of the flowers I have made and the ones I am selling through Etsy and with the fundraising!  This is alot of fun, but alot of work!

This has been so much fun making that I have completed my Etsy page!  I have lots of friends asking for these, and have promised some to them and making custom orders.  Its been alot of fun to make for friends, and I will be making Christmas gifts soon!!  Blue Chair by Candacashley


  1. Hey I blogged about your lovely burlap flowers!
    This is the link!

  2. I blogged about your lovely flowers!

    This is the link!


Thank you for leaving me a Sweet Nothing!