The most feminine fabric of them all is lace! Its the number 1 fabric choice in weddings, that and satin, but mostly lace will make its debut in some form during every gal's wedding day. Whether it be on the cake as a design, on the wedding dress, on the bridesmaids dress or on the tables. Lace was once lost, but now its found. Its making a comeback, and a big one at that. Place lace all around, and take your guests back to the older days....or bring lace up to par with a new age look and color. There are so many options, take your pick of the lace.
I love how the lace in these photos is used. There are candles with lace wrapping the votive so that the light can shine through the fabric. And then there are lace pouches for favors, and the lace purse, so cute!
Love the look of lace in wedding invitations, you can actually use the fabric or take the design from the fabric and add it to the paper, as a print! So many options!
This was just a gorgeous cake! It has ruffles of lacey neat!
This is a really neat idea, it not only brings lace into your wedding, but anchors your place cards, and adds interest. LOVE IT!
These lace lanterns are gorgeous, so neat, and different. I bet there are ways to make these on a budget using an inexpensive light kit. Those can be found in a lot of neat places.
Paper lanternslace lanterns
Lanterns and more!
That black and white cake = perfection!!!