Friday, February 4, 2011


 Today is wear red day!  The main reason is to be AWARE of heart disease for women.  Last night I went to a charity event for this cause, and had a wonderful time with many woman in Jax wearing red and taking their blood pressure.  The Jax fire fighters were there helping with this ; )  But red was everywhere, and it wasn't because of Valentines, it was to be aware of heart disease.  The American Heart Association was also there with cute little red pins and lots of information.  But we still had fun with champagne, good food, and a great band!  Lots of women for a good cause!  Wear red, and enjoy these red items to celebrate the day. 

 Back of the this pillow is burlap, keeping with the Blue Chair theme! 

 This is made from a vintage handkerchief, and is available now on Etsy and ready to ship!  Its adorable and so vintage! 

 This too is available on Etsy  ready to ship by Valentines Day.  Red burlap, signature fabric from Blue Chair! 


  1. Loving the red today!
    Can never have too much of a good thing (color):)

  2. Love the pillows and am sooo in love with burlap right now! Thanks for adding my button.. and I am your newest follower!

  3. Hi there! Thanks for visiting my blog! I'm having lots of fun looking at yours, too. I just wanted to say that I love that red pillow! So beautiful!!!


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