Monday, January 17, 2011

Pretty things

Today is one of those days, you just want to see pretty things.  Its rainy out, its gloomy, and I don't have a lot to do today, and so surrounding myself with pretty things is what I am going to do.  I have candles lit in the house to make it smell nice, the blinds are open to watch the rain, I have HGTV on, who doesn't love that channel, and I made kettle corn.  Lovely day! 
I found this giveaway today from French Larkspur and what a great giveaway!  I mean a bag full of goodies!  And here is a few of the sites she has posted for the giveaways! Pillowslips from her shop, some oh so wonderful soaps from Eco Natural Soap shop, and one of their body butters.  Not to mention the bag, and this fabulous magazine!  Such a generous offer! 

Its the pretty things that make you happy, and the little things that make your day!  Enjoy every moment you can!

1 comment:

Thank you for leaving me a Sweet Nothing!